The Senior Design Center of the Computer Science Department oversees CSC492—the Senior Design capstone course of the CSC undergraduate program at NC State.
Section 1: M/W: 9:35-11:25am (EB2-1203A)
Section 2: M/W: 12:50-2:40 (EB2-1203A)
Section 3: M/W: 3:00-4:50 (EB2-1203A)
Section 4: T/Th: 9:00-10:50am (EB2-1203A)
Section 5: T/Th: 11:20-1:10pm (EB2-1203A)
Section 6: T/Th: 3:00-4:50pm (EB2-1203A)
Common Time: F: 10:40am-12:30pm (EB2-1025)
Senior Design Lab: EB2-1203A